Friday, December 10, 2010

Last Week in the US

Buna Ziua familia mea!
So this is my last P-day in the US for the next two years!!! I'm so excited to go to Romania, and can't believe that I'm already leaving on Tuesday! Time just flies on by. So I got the package yesterday that you sent, but didn't find a tape in it... :( Maybe someone could send a dear elder tonight telling where it was, cuz I didn't find it anywhere. It might be possible that I accidentally threw it away. But I loved the picters you sent of Ember and Tristan! Oh my goodness they're just the two cutest babies in the whole world! Give them a big hug and kiss for me. And also I will be sending a package today with my SD card, probably some extra clothes and stuff I won't need, and a little something I got you all for Christmas. I hope you enjoy it!
So this last week I've learned a lot about what it means to have faith and to endure through trials and hard times that are placed before me. I don't want any of you to worry about me, I'm doing perfectly fine, I've just been experiencing the lessons of life and learning more about my Savior Jesus Christ and how the Holy Ghost teaches us in different ways. I've recieved so much support from my companion, my roommates, my district, and my teachers and I've really grown and learned a lot this week and I can honestly say now that I'm very much ready to go out to Romania, to thrust in my scycle (however that's spelled...curse you English why can't you be phonetic!) and get to work teaching the gospel to Romanians! I've still got so much to learn, I'm nowhere near being fluent in Romanian, I'm starting to understand the Book of Mormon in Romanian, but not the Bible. The Bible is ridiculous. However, my overall speaking and understanding of the language has deffinitley been increasing.
There hasn't been much snow here for the past couple weeks, there was a good snow storm a couple weeks ago, but it's all melted by now. :( I hope there will be snow in Bucharest when I get there, that would be awesome! I'm really excited to spend Christmas in Romania! Apparently on Christmas day the missionaries go caroling, so that will be fun, and Bucharest is supposed to have the 2nd largest christmas tree in the world, next to New York (although the Christmas tree in new york was imported from Romania last year haha!). 
Thanks for the extra cash in my account, I plan on buying some gloves, a scarf and a hat in Romania. Mom sounds like you've got a pretty good day ahead of you, I hope you have a good time with Grammy. Say hi to her and Aunt Crissie for me! I can't really think of anything that I need...but if I think of something I'll let you know. Oh and about the whole calling business, I will be in Seattle from about 9:00 to 12:00, I'll doulbe check on that and let you know in a letter. So I plan on calling you then, and Heather as well. Well my time is almost up, I wish I could share more but I have a bunch of letters to write today. I can't wait to tell you all about Romania!! I love you all so much!
Love, Elder Myers

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